Gibbons Neuman Branding & Website

Branding, Brochure, Web

Pop Design Group is pleased to announce the launch of a new brand for the long established local Tampa law firm Gibbons Neuman. Working in collaboration with Cam Dilley of Dilley Creative the two firms partnered to create a brand overhaul that included a new name, logo, website, social media presence, marketing materials and custom email newsletter. Pop Design was tasked with the creative design work on these elements. The creative team utilized photography, taken by law partner Gary Gibbons, of local nature scenes shot throughout the greater Tampa Bay area and incorporated them into the brand. In a fresh take on branding the firm as a long established leader in the local market, Pop Design employed the more sophisticated/unique branding style – different than the usual downtown skyline backgrounds – helping set Gibbons Neuman apart from the crowd.